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Англо-русский биологический словарь - rat


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Перевод с английского языка rat на русский


крыса; крыса (Rattus)

African cane ratAfrican field ratAfrican giant pouched ratAfrican grass ratAfrican groove-toothed ratAfrican marsh ratAfrican mole ratAfrican pouched ratAfrican thicket ratAfrican tree ratalbino ratAmerican cane rataquatic ratarboreal ratarboreal spiny ratarmored ratarmoured ratAsiatic climbing ratAustralian rock ratbamboo ratbanana ratbandicoot ratbeaver ratbig-eared ratblack ratbroad-headed ratbroad-toothed ratbrown ratbrush-furred ratbushy-tailed ratcane ratcave ratchinchilla ratclimbing ratcommon ratconey ratcotton ratcreek ratcrested ratdassie ratearless water ratfalse water ratfat sand ratfish-eating ratfour-striped ratfruit ratgiant ratgrass ratgroove-toothed rathooded rathouse ratinfant ratkangaroo ratlarge-toothed ratlong-footed ratmaned ratmarmoset ratmarsh ratmarsupial ratmole ratmonkey-footed ratmountain ratNorway ratopossum ratspack ratpepper ratpest ratprehensile-tailed ratrice ratrock ratship ratshrew ratspiny ratspiny rice ratstick-nest ratswamp rattree rattypical ratvesper ratvlei ratwater ratweanling ratweb-footed ratwhite ratzebra rat

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  турбина с приводом скоростным напором ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I  1. noun  1) крыса  2) предатель; штрейкбрехер; человек, покидающий организацию в тяжелое время  3) coll. шпион; доносчик; перебежчик  4) rats! sl. - вздор!, чепуха!  5) attr. крысиный, мышиный; - rat race like a drowned rat - промокший до костей like a rat in a hole - в безвыходном положении - smell a rat  2. v.  1) истреблять крыс (обыкн. собаками)  2) предать, выдать (кого-л.), донести; покинуть (организацию и т.п.) в тяжелое время; to rat on smb. - предать кого-л., донести на кого-л.; Never rat on a friend.  3) быть штрейк-брейхером  4) отречься, отказаться; Never rat on your debts. II = drat RAT race мышиная возн RAT run noun объездная дорога (которой пользуются водители в час пик) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. зоол. крыса (Rattus) rat destruction (extermination) —- дератизация, уничтожение грызунов rat week —- неделя борьбы с грызунами; кампания по дератизации to clear a place of rats —- выморить крыс rats desert (forsake, leave) a sinking ship —- крысы бегут с тонущего корабля 2. презр. трус (убегающий как крыса с тонущего корабля); предатель; ренегат; перебежчик 3. штрейкбрехер 4. доносчик, осведомитель; провокатор 5. ам. подушечка или валик под высокой женской прической Id: to smell a rat —- чуять недоброе; подозревать что-л. Id: like (as wet as) a rat drowned —- промокший до костей Id: like a rat in a hole —- как крыса в норе; в полном одиночестве, покинутый всеми Id: to die like a rat in a hole —- умереть как собака Id: to be caught like a rat in a trap —- попасться в ловушку Id: to have rats in the attic —- быть не в своем уме; не все дома; винтика не хватает Id: to have (got) the rats —- быть в дурном настроении; быть в белой горячке; допиться до чертиков 6. истреблять крыс (обыкн. собаками) to go ratting —- выходить на охоту за крысами 7. презр. покидать (организацию и т. п.) как крыса тонущий корабль; стать предателем, ренегатом, перебежчиком 8. (on) предать, выдать (кого-л.), донести (на кого-л.) 9. быть штрейкбрехером 10. (on) отказаться, отречься to rat on one's debts —- отказаться платить долги 11....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  крыса; крыса (Rattus) – African cane rat – African field rat – African giant pouched rat – African grass rat – African groove-toothed rat – African marsh rat – African mole rat – African pouched rat – African thicket rat – African tree rat – albino rat – American cane rat – aquatic rat – arboreal rat – arboreal spiny rat – armored rat – Asiatic climbing rat – Australian rock rat – bamboo rat – banana rat – bandicoot rat – beaver rat – big-eared rat – black rat – broad-headed rat – broad-toothed rat – brown rat – brush-furred rat – bushy-tailed rat – cane rat – cave rat – chinchilla rat – climbing rat – common rat – coney rat – cotton rat – creek rat – crested rat – dassie rat – earless water rat – false water rat – fat sand rat – fish-eating rat – four-striped rat – fruit rat – giant rat – grass rat – groove-toothed rat – hooded rat – house rat – infant rat – kangaroo rat – large-toothed rat – long-footed rat – maned rat – marmoset rat – marsh rat – marsupial rat – mole rat – monkey-footed rat – mountain rat – Norway rat – opossum rats – pack rat – pepper rat – pest rat – prehensile-tailed rat – rice rat – rock rat – ship rat – shrew rat – spiny rat – spiny rice rat – stick-nest rat – swamp rat – tree rat – typical rat – vesper rat – vlei rat – water rat – weanling rat – web-footed rat – white rat – zebra rat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  крысий, крыса ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  sewer rat ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  нарост на отливке ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a any of several rodents of the genus Rattus (brown rat). b any similar rodent (muskrat; water-rat). 2 a deserter from a party, cause, difficult situation, etc.; a turncoat (from the superstition that rats desert a sinking ship). 3 colloq. an unpleasant person. 4 a worker who refuses to join a strike, or who blacklegs. 5 (in pl.) sl. an exclamation of contempt, annoyance, etc. --v.intr. (ratted, ratting) 1 (of a person or dog) hunt or kill rats. 2 colloq. desert a cause, party, etc. 3 (foll. by on) a betray; let down. b inform on. Phrases and idioms rat-catcher a person who rids buildings of rats etc. rat kangaroo Austral. any of various small ratlike marsupials of the family Potoroidae, having kangaroo-like hind limbs for jumping. rat race a fiercely competitive struggle for position, power, etc. rat's tail a thing shaped like a rat's tail, e.g. a tapering cylindrical file. rat-tail 1 the grenadier fish. 2 a horse with a hairless tail. 3 such a tail. rat-tail (or -tailed) spoon a spoon with a tail-like moulding from the handle to the back of the bowl. Etymology: OE r{aelig}t & OF rat ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English r?t; akin to Old High German ~ta ~ and perhaps to Latin rodere to gnaw — more at rodent  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. any of numerous rodents (Rattus and related genera) differing from the related mice especially by considerably larger size  b. any of various similar rodents  2. a contemptible person: as  a. one who betrays or deserts friends or associates  b. scab 3b  c. informer 2  3. a pad over which a woman's hair is arranged  4. a person who spends much time in a specified place a mall ~  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1812  intransitive verb  1. to betray, desert, or inform on one's associates — usually used with on  2. to catch or hunt ~s  3. to work as a scab  transitive verb  1. to give (hair) the effect of greater quantity (as by use of a ~)  2. to inform on ; turn in — usually used with out ~ted out his accomplice ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rats, ratting, ratted) 1. A rat is an animal which has a long tail and looks like a large mouse. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats. N-COUNT 2. If you call someone a rat, you mean that you are angry with them or dislike them, often because they have cheated you or betrayed you. (INFORMAL) What did you do with the gun you took from that little rat Turner? N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval 3. If someone rats on you, they tell someone in authority about things that you have done, especially bad things. (INFORMAL) They were accused of encouraging children to rat on their parents. VERB: V on n 4. If someone rats on an agreement, they do not do what they said they would do. (INFORMAL) She claims he ratted on their divorce settlement. VERB: V on n 5. If you smell a rat, you begin to suspect or realize that something is wrong in a particular situation, for example that someone is trying to deceive you or harm you. If I don’t send a picture, he will smell a rat... PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an animal that looks like a large mouse with a long tail  (rat poison) 2 spoken someone who has been disloyal to you or deceived you  (But you promised to help us, you rat!) 3 look like a drowned rat to look very wet and uncomfortable 4 like rats deserting the sinking ship used to describe people who leave a company, organization etc when it is in trouble  (- see also rat race, rats, rat trap, smell a rat smell2 (7)) ~2 v ratted, ratting informal to be disloyal to someone, especially by telling someone in authority about something wrong that person has done + on  (They'll kill you if they find out you've ratted on them!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  st. & loc. abbr. Right After Torrance NASA abbr. Ram Air Turbine NASA abbr. Reserve Access Team transport. abbr. Ride All The Time transport. abbr. Road Anomalies Tour transport. abbr. Right At Torrance transport. abbr. Rider's Association Of Triumph mil. abbr. Radical Adversial Terminators mil. abbr. Recruit At Training mil. abbr. Recruits At Training mil. abbr. Recruitment Assessment Team airport code Raduzhnyi, Russia mathem. abbr. Regression Analysis Tool food abbr. Really Awful Tucker funny abbr. Rambunctious Adventurous Terrific softw. abbr. Robust Audio Tool gen. comp. abbr. Random Access Texture network. abbr. Remote Access Terminal network. abbr. Remote Administration Tool sec. abbr. Remote Access Trojan file ext. abbr. RATS Datafile file ext. abbr. Read And Think perf. arts abbr. Regional Alternative Theatre educ. abbr. Rough And Tumble educ. abbr. Record Of Achievement And Targets educ. abbr. Reject All Tobacco educ. abbr. Really Active Teacher sport abbr. Rookie Auburn Tiger religion abbr. Recycled Active Temple law abbr. Robberies And Thefts gen. bus. abbr. Repair Of Assistive Technology gen. bus. abbr. Recovery And Transformation firm name abbr. Rotterdam Achter Tralies firm name abbr. The Rathskeller Restaurant firm name abbr. The Rathdrum firm name abbr. Reaktivnaia Aviacionnaia Torpeda ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: SMELL A RAT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. rжt. Similar words in Celtic, Romance and Gmc. languages, but connection is uncertain and origin unknown. Perhaps from V.L. *rattus, but Weekley thinks it is of Gmc. origin, "the animal having come from the East with the race-migrations." Sense of "one who abandons his associates" (1629) is from belief that rats leave a ship about to sink or a house about to fall and led to meaning "traitor, informant" (1902; verb 1910). Interjection rats is Amer.Eng., 1886. To smell a rat is 16c. Rat-race "competitive struggle" is 1939. Ratsbane (1523) is arsenic. Rat fink is teen slang from 1963. Rathole in fig. sense of "nasty, messy place" first attested 1812. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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